Artful Energy

A commission for a major international wholesale bank based in the heart of the City of London.

Earlier in my career I developed the concept of energising the workplace and this project is designed to both energise the office and provide a creative environment to work and meet key stakeholders and clients. The stories behind the paintings reflect the ethos and characteristics of the company and the international communities it serves.

My inspiration and starting point has been the wonders of our planet including Earth from space with a focus on Africa and the Middle East. I also explored the different scripts in the painting ‘Artful Script’ which is a play on the shared language of mark making within different cultures and across time.

The brush strokes I make as an artist in all these works are at the heart of my personal expression and it is the way I explore all subject matter I also seek stories to tell through the work.


The main story for the Reception area of this major International Wholesale Bank  is Africa and The Middle East as seen from space.

‘Oasis Of Devotion’ is a view from space of the Faiyum Oasis in the Sahara , Egypt . I explored the contours and abstract shapes with the aim of creating a flow energy from the desert.

Using Photoshop I was able to curate the space ensuring  effective interior design proposals prior to installation.

‘The Sea of Life’ is about the coolness of the sea  and the precious nature of water creating the essence of life .

In contrast ‘The Desert of Dreams’ is inspired by a view of the Namib desert in Namibia with dramatic red sand waves as seen from space.

The Process

I enjoyed meeting with key stakeholders to consult on my initial inspiration and the concepts I was developing in the studio. I gathered information about their culture and corporate identity.

One clear theme was a wish to bring colour, warmth, and energy into these newly refurbished office spaces.

🌹Using Photoshop and process films, I was able to keep my commissioners in touch with developing works.🌹

Executive Suite

‘The Cool Sea’ is the theme for this first painting as you enter and decorates the surface of the ethnic ceramic vessels contrasting ancient and contemporary. The addition of these Froude & Froude works give another lively contemporary aspect to the corporate interior and when we take on commissions we offer this additional feature.

As you approach the board room you see ‘The Eye of the Sahara’ a view of this amazing Richat Structure in Mauritania continuing the Earth from Space story taking the viewer on a new journey into the Sahara Desert.

Entering the boardroom it is alive with colour from the triptych ‘Journey Across Africa’ which explores the rivers, rich soil, sun and contrasting landscapes of this vast continent.

The Dining room paintings ‘The Souk’ and ‘Fish and Fruit’ take the viewer into the exotic heart of the Marrakech Souk and then into a more dream like Souk with fish floating. My aim was to give diners a talking point for this part of the brief.

At the entry to the dining area I curated my favourite painting ‘Artful Script’ which plays on the way across time and cultures we have used different marks to communicate. This concept was very popular with key stakeholders who deal every day with different languages.


I enjoyed taking an active part in installation ensuring decisions made re curation and interior design were followed through and work hung accurately and safely using professional hanging systems.

This continues to be an exciting project.

🌹 Please contact 🌹 me if you would like to discuss energising your company or home in  2025/26.